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List of Contents + Download Project Draft Sitemap PD Documentation Addresses + Sources Annotation on the ProgramHomeSite 4.0HomeSite 4.0 is an excellent HTML editor. It supports speedy programming. You can type sourcecode directly or paste the tags from the menu. A large Choice of templates speeds up the construction. Every single HTML document can be saved as template. The Table Wizard is easy to use and enables to generate tables quickly and easily. Documents, images and media files can be placed into the sourcecode by Drag and Drop. Options as Spell Check, Find and Replace make annoying routine easier. Templates for files and directories can be configurated. The sourcecode can be tested for errors, in fact for different levels of HTML, different versions of Netscape Navigator resp. Microsoft Internet Explorer. The tag selection allows to integrate promptly the tags of different language elements (Java, HTML). The pop-up window places syntax and informations about the usage of the tags at your disposal. The links can be verified. The sourcecode is structured by colored emphasis. The expected loading time of the document is also be showed. List of Contents + Download Project Draft Sitemap PD Documentation Addresses + Sources Feel free to send me email: maria@oelinger.de |
© 2001-2003
Maria Oelinger Gerhard-Mercator-Universität GH Duisburg |
Report on Traineeship Feb. - Apr. 1999 |
Last Update: 24. Mar. 2003 Address: http://www.oelinger.de/maria/en/intranet/program.htm |