Intro informatica feminale
Between Objects, Connections and (female) Visitors:
(Female) Information Scientists put Hypermedia in a Museum
Seminar. Lecturer: Ulrike Wilkens, University of Bremen, Germany
Visitor address
- no specific group guidance, since there ist only room for maximum four visitors
in front of the computer
- single visitors
- target group invastigation: broad audience, age distribution, ...?
here: primary pupils not addressed;
planned: area for and by primary pupils within the media
- Computer installation is to be extended, future aspect
- the installation must be able to bear up under "dangerous visitors" / beginners
- System crash security, i.e. the visitor can't break something -> sturdy!
Future prospects
- "Network" (not in the technical sense) with other museums, cooperation
- Websites are to come
- e.g. Berlin has an own team for computer issues
- Jobs in museums are on the ascendancy, though to a minimal extent
- (several) employees are trained technically
- Trend towards mechanization requires more staff, also freelancer,
- Staff network for several museums, hardly steady jobs
- Additional education museum pedagogics or the like -> good prospects
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© 1999-2001
Maria Oelinger
cand. math.
informatica feminale 1999
Last Update: 18.07.2001