
In Oberhausen gibt es eine umgestaltete Arbeitersiedlung. Und da wohnte Frau Schmitz. Die Geschichte von Frau Schmitz hab ich geknipst; die Geschichte von Eisenheim gibt es zum Beispiel in "Tour The Ruhr" von Roy Kift - dem ersten englischsprachigen Reiseführer speziell für's Ruhrgebiet:
"The first ever tourist guide devoted exclusively to the Ruhr
My book - the first ever in English devoted exclusively to the Ruhrgebiet - is the result of twelve years living in the Ruhrgebiet and eight months extensive travel throughout the area from Hamm in the east to Duisburg in the west, from Haltern in the north to Hagen in the south. It tests all venues for English information and wheelchair access and indicates venues which are particularly attractive for families. Bars, discos, restaurants and cafès are also included, along with extensive information on the Industrial Heritage Trail, museums, art galleries, parks and baths, touring on a budget and tips on how best to use the public transport system."
... schreibt Roy Kift selbst
Und weiter... "I hope you have as much pleasure from reading the book as I had from writing it." Ja, hatte ich. Deswegen empfehle ich den Reiseführer hiermit.
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